Bc Hydro Collective Agreement 2021

BC Hydro Collective Agreement 2021: What You Need to Know

As an employee of BC Hydro, your collective agreement is one of the most important documents that govern your employment. It outlines the terms and conditions of your work, including your salary, benefits, and job security. With the new year comes a new collective agreement, and it`s important to know what changes have been made and how they will impact you.

First, let`s review what a collective agreement is. A collective agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment between an employer and a union representing its employees. The agreement is negotiated between the union and the employer and sets out the rules and regulations that apply to all employees covered by the agreement.

So, what`s new in the BC Hydro Collective Agreement for 2021? Here are some of the key changes:

1. Wage Increases: One of the most important changes to the collective agreement is the wage increases that have been negotiated for BC Hydro employees. Under the new agreement, all employees will receive a 3% wage increase in 2021, followed by an additional 1% increase in 2022.

2. Changes to Pension Plan: There have been some changes to the pension plan for BC Hydro employees. The new agreement includes a provision for a Jointly Sponsored Pension Plan (JSPP) that will be established by 2022. This plan will be jointly sponsored by BC Hydro and the union and will provide a more secure retirement income for employees.

3. Health and Safety Improvements: The new collective agreement includes several new provisions related to health and safety in the workplace. These include a new Joint Health and Safety Committee, increased training for workplace health and safety, and improved response times for workplace incident investigations.

4. Professional Development: The new agreement includes a provision for professional development opportunities for employees. This includes funding for training and education programs that will help employees develop new skills and advance their careers.

Overall, the new BC Hydro Collective Agreement offers several improvements for employees, including wage increases, improvements to the pension plan, and better health and safety protections. It`s important to review the agreement carefully and make sure you understand your rights and responsibilities as an employee of BC Hydro.

In conclusion, as an employee of BC Hydro, the collective agreement is a crucial document that protects your rights, benefits, and work conditions. The 2021 collective agreement offers several positive changes that will benefit employees, including wage increases, improvements to the pension plan, and better workplace health and safety protections. Make sure to review the agreement carefully and reach out to your union representative if you have any questions or concerns.